Policy Statement

GIMET has always encouraged Students and Trainees to analyze, in detail, all information regarding GIMET polices, courses’ structure, their scheme of learning and academic curricula, courses fees, courses duration and the proportion of online and practical parts of each course they wish to take with GIMET, as well as the administrative guidance of online and blended courses. We display all this information in a transparent way on both our webpage and e-learning platform.

Withdrawal from a course

GIMET Students and Trainees are free to withdraw from a course they were enrolled, at any stage of the course. GIMET will take into consideration all withdrawal requests with no discrimination.

To withdraw from a course, the student/trainee needs to send an email to:

The subject and the content of the e-mail should contain withdrawal references and motivation, at the extent the withdrawing student/trainee considers. The GIMET MD assumes to answer the withdrawal email within two working days. The GIMET MD answer is to be transmitted in writing, by e-mail, in reply to the withdrawing e-mail message.

If the student/trainee considers, she/he may fill a separate online Complaint Form existing on our e-Learning platform, which will be treated as specified in our Complaint Policy. In any case, an Online Complaint Form will not be treated as a Withdrawal request.

Refund a course fee

GIMET refund policy includes the following rules:

For online courses: Students/Trainees that started an online course on GIMET online platform by logging in the GIMET online platform are not entitled to receive compensations or refund for the respective online course. Students that, for any reason, after paying the course fee, have not logged in the e-learning platform for 1 (one) year (which is the duration of a course license – see TOS) and apply for withdrawal and refund, are entitled to receive 25% of the course fee. In such cases, GIMET is entitled to retain 75% of the course fee to cover advertising, recruitment, as well as employment of technical systems and administrative clerk work.

For blended courses: Students/Trainees that started a blended course and logged in the GIMET online platform, or started a class session (conducted by Zoom/Teams or by a real instructor) are not entitled to receive compensations or refund for the respective blended course. Students that, for any reason, after paying the course fee, have not logged in the e-learning platform for 1 (one) year (which is the duration of a course license – see TOS) and have not participated in any blended session (conducted by Zoom/Teams or by a real instructor) are entitled to receive 15% of the course fee. In such cases, GIMET is entitled to retain 85% of the course fee to cover advertising/ recruitment expenses, instructor(s) salary and employment of technical systems and administrative clerk work.

Withdrawing student/trainee claiming a refund should be aware that GIMET employs appropriate highly specialized workforce and technical systems for each class in a blended course and, if a student withdraws, all these resources remain engaged at the same extent.